Introduction to RobotFramework
According to blogs, RobotFramework's operation is similar to QTP
Selenium Library - only capable to Html based web. It can't adapt Flash, Applet.
Suite Setup / Suite Teardown : suite setup can be used to invoke diff. browsers
Force Tags : Tony經驗上是用來分類哪些是重要的test suite, ex : 當測試時間不夠時, 可以用於指定必跑的test case/suite.
Can integrate other tools to perform Hopper Test etc.
1. after "Start Selenium Server", sleep 2s. "2s" is the best practice by Tony but it's no seems in formal docs.
2. not use "Sleep" more, try to use "Wait Until ..."
3. Practice
1. Single host and multi-system per day : by DRBL + RobotFramework
Pro : clean env.
Con : spend time to build images and hard to maintain(upgrade)
2. Distributed mutlti-system : by Jenkins + RobotFramework
Pro : Simply deployment
Con : need lots of hosts
3. 可攜帶自動測試包 : by Ant + RobotFramework
4. RobotFramework is framework not tool
5. Primary libraries
1. Builtin Library
2. Operation System Library
3. String Library
4. Collection Library : Array operation
5. Database Library : DB CRUD but simple
6. For APP Library
1. HTML-Based App : Selenium Library
2. Desktop App : AutoITLibrary, (Sikuli), (AWTRobot)
3. Java App(Applet) : SwingLibrary
4. Flash App : FlexLibrary
5. Eclipse Plugin : EclipseLibrary
6. Interactive Console App : SSHLibrary, TelnetLibrary, (Expect4j)
7. You would experience display resolution issue when adapt Sikuli. PLS use to fix all env.'s resoultion in 1024*768.
8. Environment
8.1 Runtime : JRE + RobotFramework. Not use Python in Win env. due to version compatible issue.
8.2 Development : Python + RIDE in Ubuntu
Expert Blog : Tony's NoteBook
Q : diff. from QTP ? QTP is "Record and Play(orRun)" and RobotFramework is ATDD approach with keyword driven.
Q : use to massive manual input ? It is capable.
Q : able to read hardware info/data ex : SmartCard / USB devices ? require other plugin or external tool
Q : able to read Excel/CSV from file repository ? require other plugin